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PaSoRi (RC-S320) Viewer

This viewer seems obsolete. There is an alternative.

PaSoRi (RC-S320) Viewer (pasoriv-0.05.tar.gz (11KB, 2012-05-08 08:54:02)) based on

To build and run it, you need libusb and libusb-compat:

Following options are recognized.
All option names are case-insensitive,
and any leading hyphens are ignored.

** Phase 0 options: evaluated before libusb initialized

?[=<0 or non-0 (default: 1)]
  show this message.

h[=<0 or non-0 (default: 1)]
  show this message.

help[=<0 or non-0 (default: 1)]
  show this message.

initv[=<flags (default: empty string)>] (system default: "1111111")
  specify whether or not send each of 5 initailize commands,
  reset command, and connection command described in
  1, O, o, Y, y, T, t => send
  0, X, x, N, n, F, f => not send
  <other character> => same as system default

trymax[=<integer (default: 3)>] (system default: 3)
  number of attempts of each USB I/O request.

timeout[=<mili seconds (default: 100)>] (system default: 100)
  USB I/O request timeout.

verbose[=<verbosity (default: 1)>] (system default: 1)

version[=<0 or non-0 (default: 1)>]
  display version of this utility if non-0.

busprefix[=<USB bus prefix (default: /proc/bus/usb/)>] (system default: /proc/bus/usb/)
  maybe Linux specific.

timeslots[=<number of time slots when polling (default: 1)>]

devicepath[=<path to USB device (default: empty string)>] (system default: empty string)
  connect to specified PaSoRi device.

lastdevice[=<0 or non-0 (default: 1)>] (system default: 0)
  connect to last device when multiple PaSoRi device found.

systemcode[=<0 or non-0 (default: 0xFFFF)>] (system default: 0xFFFF)
  specify system code when polling.

debuglibusb[=<argument to usb_set_debug() (default: 1)>] (system default: 0)

tryinterval[=<mili seconds (default: 100)>] (system default: 100)
  wait in mili seconds between USB I/O requests.

pollingtrymax[=<integer (default: 0)>] (system default: 0)
  number of attempts of each FeliCa polling request.
  0 implies never giving up.

** Phase 1 options: evaluated before PaSoRi device opened

showdevice[=<directory name of USB bus/filename of USB device> (default: empty string)>]
  show USB device with specified path to which PaSoRi connected.

** Phase 2 options: evaluated after PaSoRi device opened

do[=<0 or non-0 (default: 1)>]
  if non-0 value, phase 2 options after this option
  evaluated forever.

done[=<0 or non-0 (default: 1)>]
  if non-0 value, break from infinite loop
  started by option "do".

exit[=<0 or non-0 (default: 1)>]
  if non-0 value, break from infinite loop
  started by option "do".

poll[=<format string (default: "%i")>]
  send FeliCa polling command,
  and dump response after <format string>.
  %I => hex dump of IDm (somewhat formatted)
  %i => hex dump of IDm
  %P => hex dump of PMm (somewhat formatted)
  %i => hex dump of PMm
  %n => newline
  %<any other character> => <any other character>

quit[=<0 or non-0 (default: 1)>]
  if non-0 value, break from infinite loop
  started by option "do".

status[=<format string (default: "%d")>]
  show status of the last option evaluation
  after <format string> which must include just one
  integer conversion specification.

recvfcmd[=<format string> (default: "%H")]
  receive response of FeliCa command,
  and dump it after <format string>.
  %H => hex dump of response (somewhat formatted)
  %h => hex dump of response
  %n => newline
  %<any other character> => <any other character>

recvpcmd[=<format string> (default: "%H")]
  receive response of PaSoRi command,
  and dump it after <format string>.
  %H => hex dump of response (somewhat formatted)
  %h => hex dump of response
  %n => newline
  %<any other character> => <any other character>

sendfcmd=<FeliCa command>
  send FeliCa command.
  Any octet can be included as %+<2 hex digits>.

sendfhex=<FeliCa command as hex digits>

sendpcmd=<PaSoRi command>
  send PaSoRi command.
  Any octet can be included as %+<2 hex digits>.

sendphex=<FeliCa command as hex digits>

readoption[=<0 or non-0 (default: 1)>]
  if non-0, read one option and evaluate it.

systemcodes[=<separator+format string (default ",0x%04X")>]
  show <separator> separated list of system codes of
  connected FeliCa device after <format string> which
  must include just one integer conversion specification.

firmwareversion[=<format string (default: "%d.%d")>]
  show firmware version of PaSoRi after <format string>
  which must include just two integer conversion specification.

Any questions or comments about this page are greatly appreciated.

Almost all contents in this site are written by Kiyokazu SUTO (i.e. me) unless especially noted. I want to put all of them into the PUBLIC DOMAIN, even though some lawyers mention that it is impossible in my country.