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Perl scripts

mlfeed (1863 byte(s), last modified at Nov 10 09:04)
A mail delivery agent for mailing lists.
libgetopt.pl libmlfeed.pl librfc822-keep-folding.pl libsys.pl liberr.pl libchat.pl
nntp2spool (14980 byte(s), last modified at Nov 10 09:02)
Retrieve news from a remote news server via NNTP, and spool them on your local machine.
libmisc.pl libgetopt.pl libnspool.pl libio.pl libchat.pl libsock.pl liberr.pl libsys.pl librfc822-keep-folding.pl libparse.pl libdebug.pl
mbox (16855 byte(s), last modified at Nov 8 19:55)
Mail box floating in network (user daemon).
libmisc.pl libsys.pl libio.pl libsock.pl libchat.pl librfc822-keep-folding.pl libmspool.pl libgetopt.pl libutmp.pl libmdud.pl
msc2dxdl (23800 byte(s), last modified at Aug 2 21:22)
makehomedir (1414 byte(s), last modified at Jul 1 10:19)
Make home directories for new accounts.
eximpp (13832 byte(s), last modified at Aug 25 2003)
Preprocessor for Exim configuration file.
rmaccounts (2819 byte(s), last modified at May 21 2003)
Remove accounts.
ssync (13150 byte(s), last modified at Sep 12 2001)
Synchronize contents of direcotries of remote hosts via SSH connection.
libmisc.pl libsys.pl liberr.pl libio.pl libchat.pl libdebug.pl
cleanspool (4990 byte(s), last modified at Apr 16 2000)
Clean up the spool of the news system made by nntp2spool, that is, remove or move to an appropriate news group junk messages such as SPAMs.
timelocal.pl libmisc.pl libjconv.pl libsys.pl liberr.pl libnspool.pl libdebug.pl
makeaccounts (2280 byte(s), last modified at Apr 7 2000)
Make many many ... accounts.
ml2nnd (9683 byte(s), last modified at Nov 5 1999)
Daemon to post articles to a remote news server.
libgetopt.pl libmisc.pl libsys.pl libio.pl libchat.pl libsock.pl libmlfeeded.pl librfc822-keep-folding.pl librfc1342.pl libmail2news.pl libdebug.pl
expire (1329 byte(s), last modified at Aug 26 1999)
An `expire' for the news system made by nntp2spool.
libmisc.pl libfind.pl
nntppost (2188 byte(s), last modified at Jun 30 1999)
nn2mld (2840 byte(s), last modified at Jun 8 1999)
A news to mail channel backend.
libgetopt.pl libmisc.pl librfc822-keep-folding.pl libmlfeed.pl libinnchan.pl libsys.pl libnews2mail.pl libdebug.pl
mlfeedd (2689 byte(s), last modified at May 29 1999)
A mail delivery daemon for mailing lists.
libgetopt.pl libmisc.pl libmlfeed.pl liberr.pl libsys.pl libsock.pl libchat.pl libmdd.pl libdebug.pl
newsdaily (2179 byte(s), last modified at May 9 1999)
A maintainer of the news system made by nntp2spool.
(requires expire).
libmisc.pl libsys.pl liberr.pl libnspool.pl
tnntpd (6992 byte(s), last modified at May 9 1999)
NNTP server for the news system made by nntp2spool, which should be invoked via INETD. Posting an article requires inews.
timelocal.pl libmisc.pl libnspool.pl liberr.pl libsys.pl libio.pl libchat.pl libdebug.pl
unmime (5127 byte(s), last modified at Mar 6 1999)
Process MIME messages.
libmisc.pl libbase64.pl librfc1342.pl librfc822.pl libdebug.pl
mboxd (3271 byte(s), last modified at Feb 19 1999)
Mail box floating in network (host daemon).
libgetopt.pl libmisc.pl liberr.pl libio.pl libsock.pl libchat.pl libmspool.pl libmdd.pl
nnmodd (4271 byte(s), last modified at Jan 23 1999)
NetNews moderator daemon.
libgetopt.pl libmisc.pl libsys.pl libio.pl libchat.pl libsock.pl libmlfeeded.pl librfc822-keep-folding.pl librfc1342.pl libsmtp.pl libnews2mail.pl libdebug.pl
ml2nn (2178 byte(s), last modified at Jan 7 1999)
A mail -> news gateway program
(requires an external program performing what "inews -h" does).
libgetopt.pl libmisc.pl libsys.pl liberr.pl libio.pl libchat.pl libsock.pl libmail2news.pl libdebug.pl
nn2ml (2035 byte(s), last modified at Dec 6 1998)
A news -> mail gateway program.
libgetopt.pl libmisc.pl libsys.pl liberr.pl libio.pl libchat.pl libnews2mail.pl libdebug.pl
spool2active (2266 byte(s), last modified at Oct 15 1998)
Repair the active file of the news system made by nntp2spool.
libmisc.pl libsys.pl liberr.pl libfind.pl librfc822.pl libnspool.pl libdebug.pl
x-pgp-verify (2518 byte(s), last modified at Sep 29 1998)
To verify ``X-PGP-Sig:'' signature.
Intended to be a replacement of ``pgpverify''.
libpgp.pl libsys.pl libmisc.pl libio.pl librfc822-keep-folding.pl libdebug.pl
x-pgp-sign (3209 byte(s), last modified at Sep 29 1998)
To add ``X-PGP-Sig: 2.6.3i'' header to a mail or news message.
libpgp-old.pl libsys.pl liberr.pl libmisc.pl librfc822-keep-folding.pl libdebug.pl
inews (3265 byte(s), last modified at Sep 29 1998)
An `inews' for the news system made by nntp2spool.
libmisc.pl librfc822-keep-folding.pl libdebug.pl
spool2history (3828 byte(s), last modified at Aug 29 1998)
Repair the history file of the news system made by nntp2spool.
libmisc.pl libsys.pl liberr.pl libfind.pl librfc822.pl libnspool.pl
pgrep (1804 byte(s), last modified at Jul 1 1998)
A variant of `grep'.
libgetopt.pl libmisc.pl libjconv.pl libdebug.pl
fixph (1052 byte(s), last modified at Oct 12 1997)
Fix `*.ph' files made by `h2ph'.