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A patch to FreeS/WAN 1.00 -- this patch is obsolete and will be removed from this site.

Here is a gzip'ed unified diff from the release 1.00 of Linux FreeS/WAN, to add the following features:

new per-connection option `--dont-route' of whack
If this option is specified, route command is never issued when a connection is established.
you can install FreeS/WAN on Slackware.
`utils/Makefile' is modified.

When I setup our (pathologic) networks, I felt that automatic modification of kernel routing table was rather disturbing.

Any questions or comments about this page are greatly appreciated.

Almost all contents in this site are written by Kiyokazu SUTO (i.e. me) unless especially noted. I want to put all of them into the PUBLIC DOMAIN, even though some lawyers mention that it is impossible in my country.